Eustachean tube catheter

Eustachean tube catheter:

It is a metallic catheter with a curved proximal end and a ring at its base. The opening of its curved proximal end is at its tip. This instrument is usually 12 - 15 cms long. Ring on the distal end indicates the direction of the tip of the catheter. This is not used commonly these days as atraumatic equipments can be used to test eustachean tube patency.


1. To test the patency of the eustachean tube

2. To inflate the middle ear cavity

3. To instill medications into the middle ear

4. To remove foreign bodies from the nose

5. Can be used as a suction cannula

Procedure of catheterization of eustachean tube:

Nose is anesthetized by spraying with 4% lignocaine.

The eustachean catheter is passed along the floor of the nose till it reaches the posterior wall of nasopharynx

The tip is rotated 90 degrees medially and withdrawn anteriorly till the tip touches the posterior wall of the nasal septum.

The catheter is rotated 180 degrees laterally and the tip of the catheter would be at the pharyngeal opening of the eustachean tube. By gentle manipulation the opening of the eustachean tube can be entered.

A politzer bag is attached to the tube and the bag is squeezed.

Sound could be heard on auscultation of the ear as the air passes into the middle ear cavity.

No sound heard - Tubal block

Whistling sound heard - stenosis of eustachean tube

Bubbling sound heard - partial block

Air insufflation sound heard - patent eustachean tube


1. Pain

2. Epistaxis

3. Syncope

4. Damage of pharyngeal end of eustachean tube